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Section 11National Memorabilia, Forgetfulness, Polonica cont.

Souvenir “History of Moszczenica 1348-1998” – “The history of the village of Moszczenica 1348-1998”

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“History of Moszczenica 1348-1998”

A partial translation of the book ” History of Moszczenica 1348-1998. Moszczenica history outline was sent to us by the Mayor, Mr. Jrzy Wal~ega( many thanks!). Following the posts of Mary Ann and Thomas from the USA and the kindness of Mr. Wal~ega we have a deep hope that all the names and surnames of the inhabitants of the town who immigrated to the USA will be helpful to those who are searching for their relatives and roots in Poland.:

1. Page 41
Jakub Dobek about 1845 transferred the countryhouse rights to his son Marcin. Marcin’s daughter was married to Michal Wałega in 1870. Michal Wałega was an educated man and the Community Council elected him to the position about 1882 as Mayor of Moszczenica. He was on the post until the end of his life in 1895. After his death , his wife Bronislawa managed the countryhouse with full energy.

2. Page 75

(First Wave of Emigration 1880-1890) Very hard conditions for the inhabitants of Mosczenica forced many to leave the village to go abroad. Most of the people imigrated to USA to different cities mainly to New York and Chicago. In the first wave of the emigration from 1880-1890 from Mosczenica emigrants numbered 99. To America 93; Hungary 4; Russia; 1 and one to Kongresowa area of Poland.

Married men left to earn money and returning after several years and brought the salaries . After returning they invested in homes and land. For example, Teofil Hudzik brought from the US 2000 zlotys (reński), Wawrzyniec Brach with 1500 zlotys and purchased 6 “morgów”; Stanisław Dobek 7 “morgów” of land. From the 99 emigres 18 returned after a few years to Moszcenica.There were others ; Maciej Wacek, Szczepan Dudek, Bonifacy Stec, and Ignacy Dobek.

Others left for the USA with their families. For example Daniel Markowicz and Franciszek Wałega with his wife and four children. Piotr Osika with his wife and two children also went to the US. Eleven families left Moszczenica to go abroad. There were also children and brothers and sisters of the families who emigrated earlier. Family registers (status animarum_ noted 12 cases: 5 children from the farm of Stanislaw Stec; 9 from the farm of Walenty Wszołek; 7 from the farm of Kazimierz Kucharczyk and so on. In general all of these children did not return to Moszcenica.

3. Page 76

(Second Wave of Emigration 1890-1920) According to Parish church data the second wave of emigration took place between the years of 1890-1920. In this period 911 emigrated . To America; 872; and to other countries 39 which included Italy and Hungary. To the USA left Jan Rymek 6 persons; Franciszek Dziuban 5 persons; Antoni Pierz, 9 persons; Julian Kowalski, 5 persons; Szymon Kupiec, 5 persons; Jakub Hołda, 4 persons; Kazimierz Kukla ,7 persons and others. Also leaving were brothers and sisters from the families of Stanislaw Dobek 4 persons; Jan Augustyn,4 persons ; Sebastian Górski, 8 children; Wojciech Bobola, 9 children and from the family of Wojciech 6 children and others not named.

4. Page 112

(end of XIX c.) From Moszczenica emigrated “over the ocean” some tens of persons mainly to the USA and Brazil. They were the first of young people 18 years ; Władyslaw Pierz and Jan Wałega but also others who were older who left their families: Helena Bożek left 5; Karolina, Marianna, Apolonia, Stefania and Zofia. In the USA the emigrants had different luck. Jan Wałega attained his own pork butcher shop but mentioned that Helena Bożek was in poverty.

They all worked very hard in plants and mines.

Their song of Polish imigrants:

There were vain thoughts in my head,
The overseas lured me,
America a foreign world,
I wandered for several years.
The hard work of a miner,
an underground worker there.
America a foreign world, I wandered several years.

(Sorry, no translation, somebody can help and do it ? We think they are fantastic words).

#internet gallery of sharing family memories and feelings GA.PA


1. To: Ms Danuta Luboch, Moszczenica
Culture and Library Center

Dear Mrs. Danuto,

we received your e-mail with great joy.

Indeed, the history of this entry to the GA.PA National Gallery is extraordinary.

A few months ago, Ms. Mary Ann from the USA and Thomas Watega from the USA sent a request to us through the American online genealogy forum for help in finding a family from your neighborhood and it turned out that their family roots carry their life stories to Moszczenica. Thanks to the mayor of Wałędza (Wałęga – probably Watega after the change to the American one!) We got this book about Moszczenica. I translated a few pages, the whole book was sent to the USA – it is their greatest family treasure. It will probably be translated into American.

We allow ourselves to put your e-mail in the GA.PA gallery – Americans and other people from all over the world will be able to read it and find out where to apply for further materials about Moszczenica. We always help in any possible translation.

However, Mrs. Danuto – we have a huge request – could we receive this CD with carols? (preferably on CD) and consent to put fragments or the whole in our online gallery? Please imagine the emotion of many people from all over the world when they can listen to Christmas carols from Moszczenica! When they will be able to click on the appropriate place in the Polish GA.PA gallery with information about Moszczenica and listen to a few Christmas carols at Christmas. Not all of these people (sometimes very elderly) will still be able to come to Poland.
Very often for them, the Internet is the last chance to “touch” their homeland and homeland.
We would really appreciate that.

With heartfelt congratulations,

Director of the DHO / Warsaw
+ GA.PA non-commercial internet gallery:

I looked through the website with great interest and discovered information about my commune in Moszczenica. I am an employee of the Culture Center and Library in Moszczenica. If you would be interested in publications about our commune, we would be happy to share these with you. We publish the quarterly “Echo Moszczenicy”, we have a CD with Christmas carols performed by our country choir. Many people emigrated from the area of ​​Moszczenica at the beginning of the 20th century. My family too. When my grandmother was alive, she kept in touch because her sister and brothers had left. If there were people interested in the events in Moszczenica, we can provide a few copies of our local newspaper, maybe someone will read with sentiment.
best regards
Danuta Luboch – Culture and library center in Moszczenica

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