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Dział Section 12 — PROSZĘ KLIKNĄĆ NA TYTUŁ / FOTOGRAFIĘ/SKAN DANEGO EKSPONATU - KLIKNIĘCIE PODWÓJNE DA POWIĘKSZENIE ZNACZNE — Pomoc w poszukiwaniach Genealogii Historii Rodzin - Fotografie, Dokumenty, Wspomnienia... - pamiątki oznaczone PGF = Poland Genealogy Forum przesłane do www.narodowa.pl


Zgłaszający Eksponat:
Ed Modestino
podziel się z innymi:

—– Original Message —–
From: “Edward Justin Modestino, M.Phil.”
To: < narodowa@narodowa.pl >
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 1:02 AM
Subject: Polish documents

I received the attached documents from the archives in Vilnius about my
Bielawski ancestors in Polish. I know it is from the GDL Tribunal of 1720.

My Bielawski ancestors were originally from Karczew and Sobiekursk, in
Czersk, Warsaw, Poland. However, they moved to the GDL, places that are
now in modern Belarus and the Republic of Lithuania around 1720.

I am interested in getting a translation of this document. It may help me
piece together the family tree. I cannot figure out how this Jerzey Karol
Bielawski fits into the family tree, despite the fact that he and this 1720
tribunal are both specifically mentioned on a Confirmation of Nobility from
1819 from Wilno (Vilnius) of my Bielawski ancestors. A full translation of
this document may help me piece him and his brothers into my family tree.

I cannot get any better images than this. The Tribunal book is very large
and thus since it is bound, the inner margins of text close to the binding
cannot be read easily.

Please contact me if you can help me with this.

Thanks in advance,
Ed Modestino


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