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—– Original Message —–
From: “Magroski” < magroski49 @ yahoo.com.br >
To: “Tadeusz” narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 2:52 PM
Subject: to PolGenForum Searching Room

Hi All,

Do you think Ignacy’s surname (record # 6) is Magrowski?
The ‘M’ is different from all others ‘M’ listed in this index.
However, it seems to me the rest of the surname is ‘…agrowski’.

I would like you to compare the index info and the certificate.
Ignacy’s surname is on line # 6 (second word), but I can’t identify its
inital letter.
Sorry for the bad image, but the original film image was even worse!

Thank you


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