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Zgłaszający Eksponat:
Joanie Wielgus
podziel się z innymi:

—– Original Message —–
From: peekaboobrat
To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 6:30 AM
Subject: BEDNARCZYK, Michal b 1853 Pielnia m 07-07-1880 Nadolany d 06-07-1904 USA

I am attaching some photos of my Great Grandfather’s Tombstone in St Agnes Cemetery Forest City Lackawanna County PA USA. Can someone translate inscription, Please?
BEDNARCZYK, Michal b. 1853 Pielnia Austria Polish; m. 07-07-1880 St Nicholas Church- Nadolany Poland; d. 06-07-1904 Forest City PA USA
Jak sie pan ma? How Are You?
Request for help and translation of inscription on Tombstone
The following [as best as I could copy] appears on my great grandfather’s tombstone in St Agnes Cemetery in Faorest City PA. Can you please atempt to translate?

Michal Bednarczyk died June 7 1904……a prayer with Mary in the base is at the end

7. Junia [some see a 2] June 7th

et poczy or naczyu iii [?] [Man?]


Lar nr [lata=year]

Roku’ 1904 [means ‘in that Year’] 1904

Zyl adini 48 [?] ZS [?] [ziemia-earth; soil; ground] [zyciu=in Life]

Mobyndzik or [?]lofyndzik

czylne nierh [or niech] [to feel?] [not; nothing?] [niebi or nieba=sky or heaven]

Z or Crurieizdrniriise [czterdziesty mean forty-he was born Abt 1854 age49? in 1904]

maryjuspolanj [Mary] [ucz means to teach] [obedience?] maryju spokoj-Maria peace

proc.u jego – [plead/request him ? ]
Prochujago [prosic-to ask for; to beg] [ci-to thee; to you] [jego-it’s; his; him?]

Bardzo panu dziekuju, Joanie Wielgus
peekaboobrat at yahoo dot com


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