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Zgłaszający Eksponat:
Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
podziel się z innymi:

—– Original Message —–
From: “Jerry Frank” Canada
To: <narodowa@narodowa.pl>
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 2:55 PM
Subject: Part of a phrase in a document > PGF Help Room

I would appreciate help with translating part of a phrase in this document.

In the beginning of line #18, one sees the phrase, “w Ja ozeminie z rodzona
i w Swiniarach”

I have interpreted Ja ozeminie this way because the first “a” has a tail
that appears to end the word as it does in other words throughout the
document. The only other possibility would be Jagzeminie as a place name
but that “g” would not match the way others are written in the document.

Any confirmation as to whether this is a place name or two other words would
be appreciated.

Thank you.

Jerry Frank – Calgary, Alberta


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