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Polish English French German Spanish Finnish Hebrew Swedish Norwegian Italian Czech Slovak Bulgarian Hungarian Portuguese Russian Chinese (Simplified) Japanese Hindi Arabic
Polish English French German Spanish Finnish Hebrew Swedish Norwegian Italian Czech Slovak Bulgarian Hungarian Portuguese Russian Chinese (Simplified) Japanese Hindi Arabic
Polish English French German Spanish Finnish Hebrew Swedish Norwegian Italian Czech Slovak Bulgarian Hungarian Portuguese Russian Chinese (Simplified) Japanese Hindi Arabic
Dział Section 12 — PROSZĘ KLIKNĄĆ NA TYTUŁ / FOTOGRAFIĘ/SKAN DANEGO EKSPONATU - KLIKNIĘCIE PODWÓJNE DA POWIĘKSZENIE ZNACZNE — Pomoc w poszukiwaniach Genealogii Historii Rodzin - Fotografie, Dokumenty, Wspomnienia... - pamiątki oznaczone PGF = Poland Genealogy Forum przesłane do www.narodowa.pl


Zgłaszający Eksponat:
Janet Dobrowolski
podziel się z innymi:

—– Original Message —–
To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 11:11 PM
Subject: Translation help > PGF HELP ROOM

Attached are two Polish documents I’d appreciate any help in deciphering.
One is the birth certificate of my great aunt, Aleksandra Dobrowolski.
The other is, I hope, the birth record of her mother, Elizabeth (Elzbieta) Pedzich. This was obtained from the LDS microfilms for the Poland Warszawa, Nur Catholic church records 1858-1865. I guessed at the years for Elzbieta’s birth, based on Aleksandra’s birth of 1891.
I have these films on permanent loan, if anyone needs a lookup. They have indexes for birth, death, and marriage for each year, so I can recognize names. Other than that, I’m no good at translations!

thanks so much.

Janet Dobrowolski


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