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Dział Section 4 -- -- PROSZĘ KLIKNĄĆ NA FOTOGRAFIĘ/SKAN - KLIKNIĘCIE PODWÓJNE DA POWIĘKSZENIE ZNACZNEArchiwa Rodzinne, Zbiory, Wirtualne Portrety Przodków, Skarby Odkrywane...

Souvenirs from the life of the family: Photographs from the USA – Poland, Rogalin, 1925; Jasna Góra, 1938 and others

Zgłaszający Eksponat:
Anna Karpinska / USA
podziel się z innymi:

Good morning –

I have a lot of photos in my album that I would like to send as exhibits to GA.PA.

Today I am attaching 2 photos.

The first photo is taken around 1925 on a trip to Rogalin, near Poznań.

A group of hikers stands on the stairs to the Church / Chapel / Rogalin owners – Raczynski.

The photo shows my two Aunties Marta and Maria / Mytka / Majewskie.

Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone else from this photo.

The second photo comes from the album of my spouse – Krystyna Majewska née Kaczmarek, who in 1938 was on a trip to Jasna Góra with her friends from the Gymnasium, which she attended in Poznań. My mother is the girl who is standing in a bright coat with a school shield on her sleeve and of course she is smiling. She was very happy all her life.

The photo is a true story.

Maybe someone will recognize their loved ones?

Best regards and congratulations on the very much needed page!

Anna Karpinska

I would like to introduce my grandfather – Stefan Kaczmarek. This photo shows from the left: my grandfather, then my cousin Julek Urbanski / first grandson /, my grandmother Jadwiga Kaczmarek nee Tymkowska, who is kept by my older and only sister Elzbiete / first granddaughter /. Photo taken in 1952. My grandfather, Stefan Kaczmarek, son of Franciszek and Marianna née Kowalewska, was born in Brody near Sroda Wielkopolska in 1897 as the 3rd son of my great-grandparents. And my great-grandparents had 5 sons, but they did not have Corek. My Grandfather deserves the memory of all of us because he fought in the Greater Poland Uprising. I must honestly admit that I have no more information about it because Grandpa died in April 1953 before my birth and I didn’t even know my grandfather. I know from my grandmother’s messages, that he took part in the Greater Poland Uprising in the region of Sroda Wielkopolska with many of his school lava friends. Grandpa was still a bachelor then. I know from family stories that he had a typical Slavic soul. He was very romantic and at the same time “to the sword” and to drink. He was a master tailor by profession, a very good tailor, before the war he had his tailoring shop in Poznań at Szczaniecka Street, where he employed two apprentices. Unfortunately, his poor health (due to pulmonary tuberculosis) did not allow him to maintain his facility. I also remember that there was a decoration / medal / for my Grandfather’s participation in the Uprising, as well as a kind of diploma or a letter acknowledging participation, but where it is at the moment – I have no idea. There is probably somewhere in the family collection of my uncle – Ryszard Kaczmarek. I would also like to mention that two of my grandfather’s brothers were murdered by the Nazis, one died at Fort VII in Poznań and the other brother was tormented in a concentration camp. Grandfather was buried in the Gorczynski Cemetery in Poznań. On the tombstone, under the name, there is an inscription: Powstaniec Wlkp.

If anyone has any information about the insurgents from the area of ​​Sroda Wielkopolska, please contact me. Thank you very much for placing the photo of my Grandfather with the family.

Anna Karpinska

Hello – This is a photo taken before World War II in Poznań, in Wilson Park. The two women in the picture are – the shorter one is my grandmother Jadwiga Kaczmarek and the other one is unknown to me, probably my Grandma’s cousin from Buk. The monument shows the President of the United States – Woodrof Wilson. Wilson Park was located within Glogowska, Berwinskiego and Matejki streets. After the Second World War, the park was renamed to Marcin Kasprzak Park and a statue of Kasprzak was erected there. The park returned to its original pre-war name around 1990.

I am very curious if this old Wilson Monument survived somewhere in Poznań, which was removed during the German occupation. I cordially greet all of you.

Anna Karpinska

W. Sz. Mrs. Anna,

Thank you very much for the family photos from Poznań sent from the USA and memories to the GA.PA gallery, for those moments of mutual emotions and reflections on our common national history. Each of these family mementos moves our imaginations so strongly and enriches our collective memory.

We would like to express our pride that you have a grandfather in your family, St. P. Stefan Kaczmarek, who fought for our common freedom in the Greater Poland Uprising.

We would also like to provide you with some website addresses that may be useful in further searching for information about your grandfather:

http://www.powstanie-wielkopolskie.prv.pl (Main Board of the Society for the Remembrance of the Greater Poland Uprising)




Yours sincerely,

#GA.PA gallery

PS We ask visitors to the GA.PA gallery for help in finding further sources of information, especially from Poznań – best regards!

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