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Pamiątka Narodowa z USA – “Letter from Parish Wilkeson abt 1913” – List dziękczynny z Parafii Wilkeson Washington, 1913 rok

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Dear Tadeusz and www.Narodowa.pl ,

I had a FANTASTIC document retrieval day today. No, not on grandpa from Poland but on all of the polish names and families who had purchased insurance policies at the Tadeusz PNA Wilkeson lodge. Fantastic hand writing samples, family information and more.

Sincerely and PA PA

Stu Miller – Marchalewicz,

From virtual gallery Narodowa.pl, Warsaw March 30, 2006

Dear Stu Miller-Marchalewicz,
Dear Friend,

Thank you for this wonderful Polish and USA-Polonia memento, hereby please find this letter content in Polish and our mutual try with translation to English (thank you for your correction!), do hope it will be useful and interesting to others from all over the world – the enclosed photo and back of it seems to be not Polish and it’s the Balkan roots people and language note? – maybe other visitors of our galleries could help with this open question, thank you!

The letter from parish Wilkeson
After finishing the past year, the committee that oversees
the parish church in Wilkeson Washington, thanks all in the name
of the parish. We wish all in this parish a very good new year
and especially we give thanks to the priest of this parish for his
service over the last year upon whom many benefited.
We thank Mr. Steve Winckowski for his service.
We also thank the nuns and members of the Ladies Alter Society
for their diligent presence involved with all services.
In particular what these services have meant to church
and all other activities.
Thank you also Mrs. Rosie Webb and
Mrs. Mary Fotheringill for the music.
We thank the nuns of the parish with voices on high singing Alleluia
for maintaining their chant and voices without any pay.
We thank also Mrs. Anna Rybicki and her companions for the choir
in the previous year and for all of those efforts-we say well done.
With cordial wishes,
in the name of the committee and in the service of God
Andrew Krupa
Secretary of the Parish

the letter content in Polish/zawartość listu po polsku:
List z parafii Wilkeson
Skład. Podziękowania
Po zakończeniu Starego Roku Komitet
Parafii Wilkeson Wash. dziękuje w imieniu
całej Parafii wszystkim osobom dobrze
życzącym dla tejże parafii w ciągu całego roku,
również dziękujemy Księdzu tejże Parafii
za jego cało roczne usługi i inne dobroczynności.
Dziękujemy Panu Winckowskiemu za obsługę,
……. Siostrom Towarzystwa Ma……
za ich: pilne stawianie się na wszelkich czynnościach
a w szczególności kościoła i dokonywanie
takowego i instalacje wielu innych przedsięwzięć.
Dziękujemy również Paniom Ronice Welk i
Pani Mary Holhingill za użyczenie całości nut,
oraz dziękujemy siostrom Alleluya za utrzymywanie
śpiewu na Górze bez żadnego wynagrodzenia.
Dziękujemy również Pani Annie Rybicki i jej
towarzyszkom za Chór w minionym roku, za wysiłek
składany. Serdeczne
życzenia i oddając Was pod opiekę Boga,
za Komitet,
A. Krupa
Sekretarz Parafii
www.narodowa.pl Tad – Tadeusz Wysocki


Dear Tad,

That picture and writing I showed to a Greek neighbor of my mom’s and he read it just so easy. You and the team were right! Greek!!!!

He said that although it gave no specific information of anything terribly important it was a lovely and rare family moment and that it appeared to him that they were very proud people of that moment and dressed well. That might explain the education of this girl-maybe loads of money in the family? This is her Greek family and the person sending the picture is Agatha (close to) in English. She is sending it to Manolo her brother or Manuel (close to) in English. They are from the island of Crete, Greece.

She is saying that this is a picture of our family. Basically-that’s all other than love your sister.

This neighbor said the sister sending the note and picture was HIGHLY and well educated and very rare at this time in history of Greece-1919. Her writing was perfect and an very old formal form of the original language of Greece.

He was very interested in the picture.

I don’t know yet how/why it was in the Catholic church but maybe someday.

Sincerely your friend,

Stu, Seattle

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