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Dział Section 12 — PROSZĘ KLIKNĄĆ NA TYTUŁ / FOTOGRAFIĘ/SKAN DANEGO EKSPONATU - KLIKNIĘCIE PODWÓJNE DA POWIĘKSZENIE ZNACZNE — Pomoc w poszukiwaniach Genealogii Historii Rodzin - Fotografie, Dokumenty, Wspomnienia... - pamiątki oznaczone PGF = Poland Genealogy Forum przesłane do www.narodowa.pl


Zgłaszający Eksponat:
Lisa Bond
podziel się z innymi:

—– Original Message —–
From: Lisa Bond
To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:51 PM
Fw: Poland Genealogy Forum Help Room at https://narodowa.pl

I am a decendent of Dombroski and Funk, who came over to New Zealand on the frizreuter in approx. 1880s I think his name was Anton and the rest of his family went on to America. My greatgrandmother was Barbara Potroz and my Greatgrandfather was Joseph Dombroski. My Grandmother Joyce Dombroski. I am wondering if I have any one in my family blood line still living in Poland and how can I find this out?

My nana Joyce loved answering family questions i had but before i got our family tree she past away, So im now a little lost. I have a few different blood lines, but the polish line was the one i was interested in mainly because nana and her family were very close, my great nana lived with my nana(and she spoke polish) and they kept with all of the polish ways when great nana was still alive, she even took in a family of polish emigrants ww2.
I was always lead to believe nana was full blooded polish, my mother wouldnt even acknowledge her english side (nana married an english man). And that they came from Warsaw. I was also made aware that the spelling of dombroski would most probably been dombrowski or dobrowski.
Well when i studied the family tree, which goes right back, I noticed that my great great grandmother was in fact German, and mum not really wanting to talk ablout that. So in fact i find out that i have less polish blood than what i thought. But thats not holding me back to know all i can about my polish family and bloodlines, so my children and the generations to come will know at least the truth and have a sense of belonging to one of there bloodlines.
Now the family tree – i am not sure if its true that we come from warsaw.
In poland in the last 1700s early 1800s Mathias Dodunski married Katharina Lipszczonka.
They had 3 children – Barbara married Martin Potroz (My Line)
Michael married Katharina Lipner in 1860.
Mathias Gabrial married Apollonia Drozdowski
Barbara and Martin had 5 children – Anton being the second eldest- he married Josephine Funk (pronounced Fonk) (The german bloodline breaks the polish line) They had 13 children 5 born in Poland, one -Franciska was born on the fitzreuter in 1880s on way to New Zealand and 7 were born in New Zealand, the 4th youngest being Barbara my great grandmother born 1887. she married a full blooded polish Joseph Dombroski in 1905. They had 10 children my nana being the 2nd to youngest. She married an english man (another break in polish blood line).Walter Leigh Parker.

now the rest of the family didnt end up in New Zealand they went to America, i was told there was only the one family of Barbara and martin, which was anton and Josephine and children that ended up in nz, not realising that was where they were going to end up. I have a photo of Anton and Josephine and 3 children taken while in Poland. I would really love to know if our blood line was still going stong back in our home land, as one day id like to place my feet on the my home lands ground and meet my relatives, in hope my children can keep our Polish bloodline alive and real by getting to know them, as the fact is Our polish bloodline is getting less and less as the generations go on. and wish i knew what i do now a long time ago, because my polish family is very special to me and there arent many of the elders of my family still alive, so its up to me to do the best i can to keep it going.

Thank you again
Lisa Bond

one of nana Barbaras brothers. dont know which one?
I forgot to say about photo with the photo of nana and refugee. It is nana Barbara with one of her sisters. not sure which one?


Great nana Barbara with sister, – nanas father Anton

nana barbaras sister poss Franciska. and nana barbara with sister mary

nana barbara and yersey (i think thats the spelling)one of the family of 4 polish family refugee nana took in after the ww2

martin we think. Nana Barbaras brother

Dodunski family tree

family tree

Josephine funk and Anton Potroz with children poss.mary and Jakub.taken in Poland early to mid 1800


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