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Polish English French German Spanish Finnish Hebrew Swedish Norwegian Italian Czech Slovak Bulgarian Hungarian Portuguese Russian Chinese (Simplified) Japanese Hindi Arabic
Polish English French German Spanish Finnish Hebrew Swedish Norwegian Italian Czech Slovak Bulgarian Hungarian Portuguese Russian Chinese (Simplified) Japanese Hindi Arabic
Polish English French German Spanish Finnish Hebrew Swedish Norwegian Italian Czech Slovak Bulgarian Hungarian Portuguese Russian Chinese (Simplified) Japanese Hindi Arabic
Dział Section 12 — PROSZĘ KLIKNĄĆ NA TYTUŁ / FOTOGRAFIĘ/SKAN DANEGO EKSPONATU - KLIKNIĘCIE PODWÓJNE DA POWIĘKSZENIE ZNACZNE — Pomoc w poszukiwaniach Genealogii Historii Rodzin - Fotografie, Dokumenty, Wspomnienia... - pamiątki oznaczone PGF = Poland Genealogy Forum przesłane do www.narodowa.pl


Zgłaszający Eksponat:
Tom Pajak
podziel się z innymi:

—– Original Message —–
From: “Tom Pajak”
To: <narodowa@narodowa.pl>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 4:38 AM
Subject: Translation request

Dear Forum,

I have need of a translation and it was suggested that I send the documen to
you for assistance. It is the marriage announcement for my parents. They
were born in the USA, but the announcement was written in Polish. I just
recently discovered the document. I know that I can translate the words
using my limited capabilities and a good dictionary, but that is to
clinical. I would like to know rather what it really says from someone who
speaks and writes Polish.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Tom Pajak


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