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—– Original Message —–
From: “D K”
To: <narodowa@narodowa.pl>;
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 6:56 PM
Subject: Marriage Certificate in Polish

I am new a Attach Files and have had alot of trouble with this one
attachment. I couldn’t get it to work with Hotmail, so I moved over to
Yahoo. I got it to work, I hope. I’ll be mailing it to your address as well
as my hotmail address and praying the whole time it worked.
I have a copy of my great grandparents wedding/marriage certificate, and its
in Polish. I noticed that there is also 2 different dates on this item. I
was hoping to have it translated, if possible.
I don’t know anything about my great grandparents. I never got to meet them.
Alls I know is they came to America with a daughter Feliksa Phyliss Zenc and
a son John Zenc in the early 1920’s.
If possible I’d like to know if it says on here where they came from. It
also looks as if Joseph and Aniela/Amiela Zenc’s parents are listed. I can’t
make out the names. So I guess you can say I need alot of help. And why 2
dates? Is it a delayed certificate?
I hope you can help.
Thank you for your time.


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