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Dział 7 Section 7 — Kulturalia, Historia Kultury, Rodzinne Powidoki...


Zgłaszający Eksponat:
Portal Narodowa GA.PA - the creator of the game - starting on October 15, 2023
podziel się z innymi:

PANACEA Computer Game of Imagination and Associations – with the Past, Present and Future…

PANACEA – for relaxation and discoloration every day – an additional proposal of the Narodowa GA.PA portal – a free game for everyone with a rich imagination – just add at least one in the appropriate sense section in the simplest way possible. .. internet link.

When asked whether this idea is not too minimalist and strange, the Narodowa GA.PA website answers with a smile: yes, it may be strange, but our lives can be strange too.

PANACEA ignores all genres of art. When adding an internet link, we rely on our own imagination and fantasy. Is it possible to convey the smell with music? Is it possible to create a touch museum online? If someone says you can’t, you don’t have to go on this journey with your imagination.

With PANACEA there are no ready-made graphics here, we do not have to create images using artificial intelligence – here all images are created by human intelligence, no chips or other devices need to be implanted in humans.

Whoever and wherever you are – use your own and others’ ASSOCIATIONS to weave this extraordinary world of human senses – here are the entrances to individual PANACEA rooms:

Propozycje gry z pamięcią i wyobraźnią - POLE ZMYSŁÓW - bonusy Portalu Narodowa GA.PA - na dziś - PANACEA - Wirtualna Gra Wyobraźni i Skojarzeń "PANACEA"


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