A collection of books that fate probably gave me for safekeeping, and now this fate allows them to revive in the GA.PA virtual gallery…
Max-T, Warsaw
I want to present the books that fate has probably given me to keep and save from oblivion. Their history is quite dramatic for several dozen years (like the history of many other books) – they survived World War II and many years of communes in Poland – dear, listen to their history in one sentence – they survived World War II in Italy near Warsaw in the house of aunt Eugenia Maternicka and next to it, in a house owned by the Duchnowski sisters since pre-war times – this house was purchased by a friend of the late Henryk Szczygłowski and the books that were left in the house of the sisters Henio after the sale, so that they would be together – now fate allows them to revive in the virtual gallery GA.PA – thank you.
1. LIBRARY OF WYBOROWYCH WORKS (BDW) – the price of the volume of 25 copies is published every week in the volume of 1 volume, in the binding of 40 copies. Granowski and Sikorski Printing House Nowy Świat-47. – Telephone number 564, – in Lviv Maryacki Square 1.4
red covers:
1.1. ON FOOT TO CHINA (Impressions from Travel) Konstanty Rengarten translated by Henryk Wernica with a preface by Julian Ochorowicz BDW No 68 1899
1.2. HISTORICAL POLISH STORY Critical-literary studyum (from Niemcewicz to Kruczkowski) Teodor Jeske-Choiński BDW No 87 1899
1.3. DIARY OF GENERAL WYSOCKI from the time of the Hungarian Campaign with illustrations by General Józef Wysocki BDW No 111 1899
1.4. STONE HEART a novel, Volume II, by Maurycy Jokay, BDW No 99, 1899
1.5. TYARA I KORONA Volume II Teodor Jeske-Choiński 1900
1.6. HOW WERE CHILDREN HIDDEN IN US an outline of the history of Polish pedagogy Gustaw Doliński BDW No 103 1899
1.7. BARTOCHOWSKI a story from the end of the 18th century according to family stories by Kajetan Kraszewski Volume I Kajetan Kraszewski BDW No 73 1899
1.8. DIARIES Volume I Anna Potocka 1898
1.9. CZARNA PEREŁKA (novel) Volume I B. Bolesławit BDW No 14 1897
1.10. THE ENEMY OF NAPOLEON translated by Topor Volume I Oskar Mysing BDW No 96 1899
1.11. THE ENEMY OF NAPOLEON translated by Topor Volume II Oskar Mysing BDW No 97 1899
1.12. SKETCHES AND PICTURES Maryan Gawalewicz BDW No 20 1898
1.14. SLOVAKS their life and literature Roman Zawiliński BDW No 101 1899
1.15. BEREZYNA (historical novel) Volume I Oscar Mysing BDW No 66 1899
1.16. BARTOCHOWSKI A story from the end of the 18th century Volume II Kajetan Kraszewski BDW No 74 1899
1.17. TRANSWAAL AND BOERS A. Seidel BDW No. 105 1899
1.18. AIR AND HEALTH Lectures Popular Dr. Maks Pettenkofer BDW No 157 1900
1.19. TYARA I KORONA historical novel Volume I Teodor Jeske-Choiński BDW No 117 1900
1.20. WOLF DOGS AND PEOPLE IN THE FOREST (Noveles) Adolf Dygasiński BDW No 55 year 1898
1.21. BERLIN AND POZNAN MEMORIES FROM 1848 Henryk Szuman BDW No 116 1900
1.23. FROM THE EARTH OF FJORDS AND FJELD Loose cards from the journey Maciej Szukiewicz BDW No 162 1900
green covers:
1.24. The Specters novel by Paweł Bourget BDW No 193 1901
1.25. NAPOLEON I in the Light of Recent Research Volume II Ernest Lavisse Alfred Rambaud et al. BDW No. 177 1901
1.26. NEW ANDO-SAXON SOCIETIES Translated by Klemens Podwysocki Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu BDW No. 210 1901
1.27. NAPOLEON I in the Light of Recent Research Tom I Ernest Lavisse Alfred Rambaud et al. BDW No 176 1901
1.28. CINQ = MARS OR ASSUMPTION FOR LUDEW XIII Volume II Count Alfred de Vigny BDW No 179 1901
1.29. CINQ = MARS OR ASSUMPTION FOR LOOKER XIII Volume III Count Alfred de Vigny BDW No 180 1901
1.30. FINLAND in lighting literary COLLECTION OF WORKS BY FINLAND WRITERS Volume I E. Brausewetter BDW No 205 1901
1.31. ESTER A novel from the time of the Babylonian captivity, Volume I Ks. Bolesław Maryański in 1901
other books in this series? look? provide the above-mentioned or other data?
2. GEBETHNER I WOLFF Publishing House, Warsaw:
2.1. EMANCYPANTKI Novel Volume I-III Bolesław Prus (Aleksander Głowacki) year
2.2. THE STATE OF ENLIGHTENMENT IN POLAND in the last years of the reign of Augustus III, Fr. Hugo Kołłątaj with a foreword by Henryk Mościcki in 1905
2.3. YEAR 1812 a historical novel in 2 volumes based on the romance of Ludwik Rellstab Volume I 1912
2.4. KLUB PICKWICKA Volume I Translated from English by Wlodzimierz Górski 1910
2.6. BAJBUZA (The Times of Zygmunt III) Volume I JI Kraszewski year 1885
2.7. BRUHL Historical Tales Volume II JI Kraszewski year 1912
2.8. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY Wytworna i Gospodarska part. II Marta Norkowska
2.9. GRANDMA Eliza Orzeszkowa 1928
other books in this series? look? provide the above-mentioned or other data?
3.1. HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES IN AN OUTLINE Prof. R. Wipper translated by Stefan Ehrenkreutz Ed. St. Kucharski Warsaw 1907
3.2. PERFECT HOSTEL FOR THE VILLAGE AND THE TOWN Kitchen recipes of Experienced Housewives Editors of Tygodnik Honey and the Novels Published by The Book of Teodor Paprocki i S-ki year 1882
3.3. THE EXPERIENCED SECRET OF FRYING JUICES AND JUICES and making Canned Food, Jelly, … collected by Florentyna and Wanda. Published by the authors in Lviv Drukarnia Narodowa St. Maniecki and Ska.
3.4. GAMBER-ALI (Persian story) translated by HAOK JAHR Gobineau Zygmunt Sakierski Warsaw
3.5. MY WIFE’S SISTER a picture from rural life Alfred Wilczyński author of “Troubles of the Old Commander” Published by the editorial office of “Biesiady Literacka” year 1885
3.6. UNIVERSAL HISTORY for Teachers’ Seminars part 2 Aleksander Barwiński in Lviv by the CK WKS in 1912
3.7. POLISH READER for the 4th grade of Primary Schools of PWKS Warsaw-Lviv in 1935
3.8. THE LEGIONS IN BATTLE 1914 II. Brigade in the Carpathians Volume I Dr. Bertold Merwin CBW NKN Kraków 1915
3.9. VETERINARY GUIDE FOR FARMERS AND BREEDERS W. Jastrzębiec Kraków Bookstore Stefan Kamiński
3.10. ORTHOGRAPHIC GLOSSARY OF NEW WRITING according to the Resolutions 1936 / Vilnius Print “Mariannum” Vilnius, Św. Anna 13
3.11. GREAT SCIENCE CREATORS with 56 portraits Library of Knowledge Volume 8 ing. Eugeniusz Porębski Wyd. Trzaska, Evert and Michalski Sp. Akc.
3.12. WE ARE IN WARSAW A Literary Guide to the Capital City with Illustrations Collective work by the efforts of ZZ Polish Writers Municipal Printing House in Warsaw MCMXXXVIII
3.13. POESIES NOUVELLES 1836 a 1852 Alfred de Musset La Renaissance du Livre Paris Jean Gillequin & Cie.
3.14. PETIT VOCABULAIRE FRANCAIS KLEINES VORABELBUCH von Dr. Carl Block Berlin, 1872 Verlag von JU Berbig
3.15. NARRATION a MUSANTES Clasisse Juranville Varsowie, Gebethner & Wolff Editeurs, 1907
3.16. EUGENE GRANDET Honore de Balzac Rene Hilsum, Editeur a Paris
3.17. FRENCH COURSE Cours de Langue Francaise part. And their. Neyroud N. Delacroix composed by E. Wende i S-ka, 1912
3.18. THE POSITIVE SCHOOL OF CRIMINOLOGY Three Lectures by Enrico Ferri Chicago, Charles H. Kerr & Company 1912
3.19. DRITTES SPRACH = UND LESENBUCH Lectures Allemandes Paris, Masson et Cie, Editeurs 1908
Music / Notes:
3.20. FR. CHOPIN OEUVRES COMPLETS Vol. 1 Moscou Chez P. Jurgenson
3.21. (J. Russian) – Piano Supports Moscow 1877 1880 ed. P. Jurgenson
3.22. COLLECTION – GOD’S FANTASY FOR PIANO + OTHER – Pol / Ros / Franc. – Melodies Polonaises Ed. Gebethner and Wolff
3.23. FR. CHOPIN – BALLADEN IMPROMPTUS ed. Herrmann Scholtz, Leipzig, CF Peters, 1905/1909/1901
Anyone who has reached the end of the list and has some time yet to see how fantastic these books are. I chose one of them – from the Library of Wyborowych No 162 – FROM THE LAND OF FJORDÓW AND FJELDÓW author Maciej Szukiewicz (I have never heard of him in my life!) From 1900 – and let him learn about tiny fragments of the beginning and the end of the book:
Beginning of the book:
“I remember the first childish impressions today. Sometimes at dusk the three of us sat at my mother’s lap and listened to her fairy tales or memories from trips around Germany, France or Sweden. ‘
Ending the book:
“I am currently sitting with Zakopane. The autumn sun moves in the sky and mists roam the Gewont. Under the reglami, I walk along the iron road towards the evening. All pictures of distant lands and seas linger in my memory. I love the Tatra Mountains and I would not renounce them for any promised land, and yet I feel that, like the Tatra Mountains, there is something in Norway that will make you return to it. Its fjords, its fjords, air, light, greenery, its melancholy of twilight nights, the freedom of life, the righteousness of people – all this takes part of your heart and, without knowing when, you will seek a quiet haven for yourself there. And if only your heart is open to the beauty of nature, if you love silence and solitude, you will find a haven where you will rejuvenate your heart and mind when bathed in waters. ”
And with the charming thoughts of the author of the book, Maciej Szukiewicz, I cordially greet all visitors to the GA.PA National Gallery,
Max-T, Warsaw