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Polish English French German Spanish Finnish Hebrew Swedish Norwegian Italian Czech Slovak Bulgarian Hungarian Portuguese Russian Chinese (Simplified) Japanese Hindi Arabic


I. General provisions

  1. About the Regulations
    • GA.PA Virtual Gallery establishes these Regulations for the use of the Gallery. The Regulations are a set of rules, the observance of which will allow you to use the Gallery in an optimal way.
    • Each person using the Gallery is obliged to comply with these Regulations. Ignorance of the Regulations is not an excuse in the event of breaking them.
    • The Regulations come into force at the time of their publication, and any possible changes to them take effect immediately.
    • Please note that by registering, we agree to be bound by these Regulations.
    • Using the Gallery causes cookie information to be saved on your device. You can read more about this in the Privacy Policy.
  2. Gallery goals
    • The gallery is used to share your family mementos and memories.
    • The GA.PA Virtual Gallery is created "pro bono publico" and uploading the Exhibits sent by the User is free of charge.
  3. The rules of the GA.PA Virtual Gallery
    • The use of the GA.PA Virtual Gallery is completely free. The Administrator makes every effort to ensure the proper and uninterrupted functioning of the Gallery.
    • The Gallery Administration reserves the right to fully or partially disable the website for a specified period in order to carry out modernization and maintenance works.
    • Any activities of third parties leading to excessive load on the Internet connections, Narodowa.pl servers resulting in limiting the functionality or slowing down the Gallery for other Users will be blocked. The administrator may limit the way of using the website due to the load on the ICT infrastructure.
    • It is strictly forbidden to use the Gallery through intermediary servers and their derivatives (proxy, open proxy, anonymizing server) for any purposes.
    • You must register to be able to add exhibits to the Gallery. Visitors who are not logged in cannot add exhibits to the Gallery, but they can view the content of the Gallery.
    • All the exhibits in the GA.PA Gallery have been published with the consent and at the request of the people who delivered them to the gallery's creator by traditional or electronic means. Sending souvenirs such as photos, memories, letters, family documents, recordings and the like to the GA.PA Virtual Gallery - give the GA.PA Gallery full right to publish them in the GA.PA Gallery and to use them in accordance with the purposes of the GA.PA. Gallery.
    • The content published in the Gallery must comply with Polish law.
    • It is forbidden to publish in the Gallery content and materials that grossly violate the principles of social coexistence. It is forbidden to publish in the threads the following content: vulgar, pornographic, unethical, political, offending other nationalities, ethnicity, human races, religions, inciting hatred, committing a crime, containing slander and content commonly considered offensive.
    • Administrators, to the best of their ability, make efforts to remove any material considered offensive as soon as possible, however, they do not guarantee that all content will be checked in real time.
    • Administrators are not responsible for this content published by Users in the Gallery.
    • When posting any material, be sure to respect copyright.
    • It is forbidden to arbitrarily publish or disclose his personal data without someone's express consent. These are data that allow the identification of a natural person: name and surname (date and place of birth, parents' names ...); instant messaging identifiers; photographs; e-mail addresses; domicile; work, stay; telephone numbers and other data deemed confidential.
    • In the content, do not explicitly provide any e-mail address in an unchanged, basic form. If you already need to provide an e-mail address (yours or some institution's), replace it so that it is illegible (or at least less readable) for internet robots.
    • It is forbidden to advertise anything, submit offers, persuade Users to make any purchases. This applies in particular to commercial content, but intrusive promotion of non-commercial content is also not welcome.
    • It is forbidden to place advertisements, reference links (profitable for the User or third parties) in any form.
    • Due to the rules in force in the Gallery, all Users are equal. Both Users and Administrators are obliged to comply with the Regulations.
  4. Sanctions for non-compliance with the regulations
    • In the event of minor deviations from the applicable rules, a reminder will be applied, along with an indication of the point in the Regulations that has been violated.
    • Exhibits and comments, the content of which is the result of ignorance of the applicable rules, will be blocked or moved.
    • Exhibits and comments grossly violating the Regulations will be irretrievably deleted.
    • For people who permanently break the Regulations, the Administrator will try to prevent the use of the Gallery and, consequently, delete the account.
  5. Registration for the GA.PA Virtual Gallery
    • Registration to the GA.PA Virtual Gallery is voluntary.
    • One person has the right to set up one account (Nick, Login) and is obliged to use it only.
    • In the event that anyone finds a violation of this rule, both User accounts will be blocked or deleted without warning.
    • During registration, the only required data are: e-mail address (real), because a password-activating letter is sent to this address, without which the account will not be launched.
    • The rest of the data is provided by the User voluntarily and at his own risk.
    • Registration is tantamount to agreeing to receive e-mail messages necessary for the proper functioning of the Gallery.
    • During registration, the acceptance of these regulations is a necessary condition.

II. Rights and obligations

  1. Rights and obligations of "visitors" (ie unregistered persons).
    • Browsing the resources of the Gallery, reading all published Articles, Exhibits and viewing the Regulations.
    • Each guest has the right to register, which changes his status to "User".
      - However, if we do not want to publish any exhibits, but only read and browse the available resources, it is worth considering the option of being a Guest.
    • It is forbidden to copy or otherwise use any elements of the GA.PA virtual gallery without the consent of the website administrator.
  2. Users' rights and obligations (i.e. persons registered in the Gallery).
    • Each User has the rights of a Guest.
    • Users can add their own exhibits.
    • Users can edit their own exhibits.
    • Users have the right to remove their own exhibits.
    • Users have access to account settings, including changing their data or password.
    • Users have the option of removing their account from the GA.PA.Virtual Gallery.
    • A user who does not show any activity for 1 year from the date of registration in the Gallery may be removed by the Administrator.
    • Each User is obliged to comply with the Regulations and comply with the Administrator's decisions.
    • Sending to the GA.PA virtual gallery photos, letters, memories, recordings and the like, give the GA.PA gallery the full right to include them in the gallery and to use them in accordance with the purposes of the gallery,
  3. Administrator's rights and obligations.
    • The Administrator has the highest rights, including, of course, all Users' rights.
    • The Administrator has the right to block selected Users from accessing the Gallery due to violation of the Regulations.
    • The administrator is obliged to ensure the proper functioning of the Gallery within its capabilities and skills.
    • The administrator should try to improve the comfort and facilitate the use of the Gallery by Users.
    • The administrator remains the person selected by the DHO SOFTWARE COMMERCIAL HOUSE Tadeusz Wysocki Distributor of Programs for Business, Education and Speech Therapy until its cancellation.

III. Final Provisions

  1. Registration in the GA.PA Virtual Gallery is tantamount to acceptance of the Regulations and the Privacy Policy available on the Gallery's website.
  2. These Regulations apply to all content published in the Gallery in any form.
  3. These Regulations are not closed and as such may be modified and extended by further points. The Administration will notify the Users about significant changes to the Regulations.
  4. Issues not regulated by these Regulations are not subject to any interpretation and will be considered individually by the Administration.
  5. In matters not covered by the Regulations, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code and the Act of July 18, 2002 shall apply. on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204 as amended)
  6. The Regulations come into force from the moment of their publication on the Gallery website.
  7. Any changes to the Regulations come into force on the day of their publication on the Gallery website.

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